Prayer Changes Things

All About Prayer
What is Prayer?
“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I am helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time – waking and sleeping. It does not change God- it changes me.” - C.S. Lewis
Prayer is simply a conversation between us and God. It is our opportunity to tell God our
deepest secrets and desires, to confess our sins, ask His forgiveness, thank him and to pray
on behalf of others. Prayer is a time to give God praise for who He is and all He does. Prayer
is also God’s opportunity to speak to us. Those feelings of calm and comfort are God’s telling
us He is present.
And when we stop talking for a while after telling God what is on our heart
and mind, He will answer by placing Godly thoughts in our minds, or by answering us
through other people, circumstances, or by giving us the decisions and choices we need to
Again…prayer is conversation and just like there are several different ‘types’ of conversation,
there are different types of prayer. Sometimes our prayers are short, sweet, and to the point.
Sometimes they are general in nature; something for everyone to hear. And then there are
those prayers that are personal and private—reserved for only you and God.